10 styrkeøvelser du kan gjøre i parken

10 strength exercises you can do in the park

10 strength exercises you can do in the park

What could be better than a training session you can complete in the park on a sunny day? We have put together a training program with 10 strength exercises that can be completed without weights and advanced equipment. We recommend having a yoga mat or mat available as some of the exercises are performed on the ground. The program can be completed in its entirety, or divided according to exercises 1-5 and 6-10. The number of repetitions is above the description of each exercise.

Resistance band

# 1 Sumo squats

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3

  • Stand with your legs wider than a shoulder-width apart
  • Bend your knees and hips to go down in a squat
  • Get up with pressure on your heels
  • Repeat



# 2 Donkey kicks

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3

  • Stand on your knees with your hands on the ground. The hands should be just below the shoulders and the back should be straight
  • Keep 90 degrees bend at the knee and lift one leg back and up toward the ceiling
  • 10 repetitions on each leg corresponds to a completed round


# 3 Fire hydrant

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3

  • Same starting position as donkey kicks
  • Keep 90 degrees bend at the knee and lift one leg out to the side
  • 10 repetitions on each leg corresponds to a completed round


# 4 Lateral band push up walks

Number of repetitions: 10 x 3

  • Start in push up position
  • Move your whole body three steps to the side and finish with push up
  • Repeat


# 5 Knee to elbow plank

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3

  • Stand in push up position with straight arms
  • Pull one knee toward the outside of the same arm
  • Change legs and repeat


# 6 Bent over row

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3


# 7 Bench / Chair dips

Number of repetitions: 10 x 3


# 8 Step ups

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3


# 9 Walking lunges

Number of repetitions: 20 x 3


# 10 Back extensions

Number of repetitions:

  • Lie on the ground face down
  • Lift your arms and legs up at the same time, and hold for a few seconds before slowly lowering to the starting position
  • Repeat


Want an even more fun workout Check out our top tips for a workout with friends here

It is always important to stretch after exercise, why can you readhere.


Summer training clothes

Summer is fast approaching and it's time to find light and airy training clothes. We have collected training clothes that are perfect for hot summer days - find your favorites!


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